Thursday, December 26, 2019

Too Sick to Job Hunt How to Make the Most of Downtime

Too Sick to Job Hunt How to Make the Most of DowntimeToo Sick to Job Hunt How to Make the Most of DowntimeCold and flu season is in full swing, which can hamper job seekers efforts to put their best foot forward in the market. While much of the groundwork in seeking professional opportunities can be done online, when youre flat on your back or too run down to work on your laptop, you can start to feel demoralized.If you find yourself down for the count for a few days, a week, or longer, unable to get resumes out there or go on job interviews due to illness, theres no need to despair.Here are some tips on actions you can take to make the most of downtime that arises when you feel too sick to look for workBuild your network- from bed.You may feel too crummy for in-person meetings or even work-related phone calls, but unless you are completely incapacitated by your bug, you can use the time that youre laid up to do some social media networking. Its bedrngnis often that you have a real e xcuse to surf social, but when youre sick and unable to do much else, its the perfect opportunity to do so guilt-free.The key here, though, is to be thoughtful about your approach. If you have the energy to click Like on your high school friends posts about their weekend, perhaps you can funnel that focus instead toward industry-specific networking.For example, check out what professionals in companies or positions of interest to you are doing on Twitter, or read their posts on LinkedIn. Find an angle to comment on, and youll have created a connection where it counts in your job search. You might also research who in your current network already has contacts in organizations that youd like to explore and ask them for an introduction.Catch up on industry news.Podcasts, websites, journal articles, business books- all of these media and more can inform you while you are recovering near the tissue box. If you feel good enough to watch Netflix, then youre well enough to press play on a p odcast or TED Talk and get up to date on issues and trends that can make you a more well-informed candidate on the job market.If you dont feel mentally up to the task of beefing up on industry specifics, consider digging into a new general business book that youve been wanting to read but havent had time. Theres no time like the present to learn about broader strategies and ideas that can give you a leg up on your competition once youre back at full strength.Just rest.One reason that we get sick is that we dont give ourselves enough recovery time from work-related pressures throughout the year. A job search can be seriously stressful, and should be treated as a full-time job in the sense that you do need to schedule breaks and respite from the grind of constantly trying to land employment.Sickness may feel inconvenient, but its your bodys way of forcing you to slow down. If you heed its message and truly unplug from your job search until you start to feel like yourself again, then y ou can resume your search feeling strong and rested. So on sick days when even the ideas above feel like too much, consider the option of doing nothing but letting your body heal, and youll be making yourself a better candidate over the long-term.Its not easy to be forced to stop job hunting against your will when you get sick. But using the time off of your feet for strategic activities that take less energy can be a smart investment- even if that means totally stopping for a while.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

What to Do if Youre Failing at Your New Job

What to Do if Youre Failing at Your New JobWhat to Do if Youre Failing at Your New Job After months of searching and more interviews than youd like to count, you finally landed what you thought would be your dream job . Only instead of rocking your way through those early workweeks, youre constantly struggling to understand what on earth is going on around you.Its not an unusual scenario to be in, but its a frustrating and nerve-wracking one nonetheless. Heres how to cope if you feel that despite your best efforts, youre just plain failing at your new gig.Maybe youre not getting the hang of things as quickly as you wouldve hoped - but that doesnt necessarily mean youre falling down on the job, either. Before you beat yourself up for a job poorly done, ask your manager for a sit-down and get his or her input on your performance to date. You may come to find that in their mind, youre meeting expectations given your fairly new status at the company.Keep in mind that e ven if you come into a job with a strong knowledge base and skill set , every company works differently, and it takes time to learn the ropes. So rather than despair or stress over your performance, create a timeline by which you hope to achieve certain goals or milestones, whether its compiling your first major report or learning to navigate your companys tricky content management system.Maybe demand is a strong word, but when youre in a new environment, you can only expect to learn so much without a decent amount of training. So if thats something you feel youre lacking, be open about it with your boss. Even if they dont have the time to train you themselves, they might be able to point you toward some resources that will allow you to independently get up to speed.Another option you might consider is signing up for a mentor within your company. Not all employers offer this option, but if yours has a mentorship program in place, pairing up with someone seasoned might help you overc ome a lot of the knowledge gaps youre facing early on.Even if you and your colleagues are mostly on the same level, the fact that theyve been at the company longer than you have automatically puts them at an advantage. So why not get a piece of their knowledge? Walk around, introduce yourself and ask questions when youre curious or otherwise stumped. You can also attempt to shadow some colleagues to get a sense of what they do, as this might help you grasp the big picture of how your team or company operates.Along these lines, if you find a coworker you get along with easily during those early weeks, admit that youre struggling and ask for advice. That person, like your boss, might be able to share some resources thatll help you catch up more quickly.No matter where you are in your career, starting a new job can be challenging, and its natural to feel that youre s-lost and behind. Just remember that youre apt to get better at things with time, so dont be too hard on yourself durin g those early weeks. Instead, stay positive, set goals, and focus on improving slowly but surely.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Customize this Outstanding Attorney Resume Sample

Customize this Outstanding Attorney Resume SampleCustomize this Outstanding Attorney Resume SampleWhether youre an experienced candidate with years of time in your field or a recent graduate from a top law school, getting hired for a great position can be a challenge. The best law firms want succinct resumes that demonstrate confidence and capability. If your document isnt able to convince someone to hire you, youll need to make some revisions. Before taking on this task, look through a few samples to get some inspiration.The attorney resume sample below is a good place to start when you need some assistance with ideas. Check out how another candidate organized skills and experiences for optimal effectiveness. Once youve seen what others have done, start writing with help from the resume builder tool.Create Resume Daniel Dennehy, Esq.100 Broadway LaneNew Parkland, CA, 91010Cell (555) 987-1234example-emailexample.comProfessional SummaryCriminal Defense Attorney with 10+ years of expe rience in representing clients throughout legal matters. With thousands of hours in the courtroom, has the communication, confidentiality, sensitivity and inductive skill to combine information into cohesive, defensive arguments. Will always use the law to protect the best interests of clients through negotiation and settlement.Core QualificationsBar certified lawyer in four statesCriminal litigation and proceedingsUse of precedents to forecast outcomesSound legal strategies and argumentsEvidence gathering and verificationResearch and presentationExperienceAttorney March 2007 to PresentAmble Barnham Grunner McKimson, New Cityland, CALead counsel on pro bono case involving three minority high schoolers accused of first degree rape, leading to exoneration through proof of misconduct by investigating detectives.Represented firm clients in an array of criminal matters with a record 95% of cases being settled without going to trial, 65% negotiated to clients exoneration or no record and 52% of trials resulting in acquittal.Develop legal case-specific strategies based on research, client needs and precedents.Associate Attorney March 2002 to February 2007Masterson Criminal Law Advisory, New Cityland, CAPerformed research to determine pre-trial strategies.Was second chair on over 200 criminal trials.Drafted motions.Education2002 Juris Doctorate California University School of Law, New Cityland, CACustomize ResumeWhy Is This a Good Attorney Resume Sample?The key thing to remember about a resume is what its purpose truly is. This professional document should prove to a hiring manager youre the best candidate. Its recommended to start your resume off with your most compelling points in a well-written summary statement like the attorney resume sample demonstrates. In this statement, the candidate shows off 10 years of experience in the field, an understanding of criminal defense, and a strong sense of duty towards clients. In the next part of the attorney resume sample, the writer goes into a little bit more detail about important skills for the job. The most essential are at the top of a bulleted list. The attorney points out bar certification in four different states and experience with criminal matters. As the list of six skills ends, the candidate gives more general skills, such as research and evidence collection.In the candidates experience section, the resume presents information in a logical and organized way. Each job entry stands out because it uses bold print as a heading for the basic details, such as date, job title, company, and location. Then, all the specifics of each job come next. The candidate uses bullet points to make the duties and accomplishments easier to read. The attorney puts a few specific measurable details in the experience section for greater impact. The writer mentions his leadership in more than 200 criminal trials. He indicates an impressive 95 percent case settlement rate and a 52 percent acquittal rate.The last part of the attorney resume sample states the candidates educational background. The writer follows the best practices for a resume and gives details about his law degree, which is most likely the highest educational credential earned. He states his graduation year, the degree title, name of the school, and the universitys location.Why You Need a Strong Attorney ResumeAttorney jobs are in hot demand with the rush of new law school graduates completing programs each year. This, along with the sheer competitiveness of the industry, makes it difficult to get a well-paying job, even though jobs should grow six percent by 2024, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. If you want a job with one of the top firms, you need to prove yourself with a stellar resume. Attorneys can also demonstrate their strong skills in argument and persuasion with a quality resume. If you need to brush up on your convincing abilities, look through the examples, such as the attorney resume sample, for help.Costly Attorney Resume Mistakes To AvoidThe key to winning over hiring managers for a big law firm is by impressing them with your capabilities. During your quest to stand out, dont make the mistake of going into too much detail. Too many personal details or an excessive amount of irrelevant information may put your resume out of consideration. Another potential mistake that happens sometimes when jobseekers want to make a great impression is exaggeration. Avoid misrepresenting yourself or embellishing your work and educational experiences. This practice could easily get you in trouble with your future employer. Instead, focus on the top qualities necessary to be a capable attorney. In the attorney resume sample, the candidate shows off his understanding of criminal litigation, sound legal strategies, and client needs. This candidate also boasts capabilities in communication, inductive skill, and confidentiality, all necessary traits of strong legal professionals. This way, th e candidate presents himself as a well-rounded individual ready to help the law firm succeed.ConclusionLanding a job as an attorney in a successful law firm is a goal for many in this industry, and you can only make this happen if your resume is at the top of its game. Pay attention to how the examples, like the attorney resume sample, do it, and you could finally get a position in this fast-paced and exciting field.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Dr. Woodys Tips to Jumpstart Your Job Search - FlexJobs

Dr. Woodys Tips to Jumpstart Your Job Search - FlexJobsDr. Woodys Tips to Jumpstart Your Job Search -5Last week, we held our Weekly Twitter Chat where we help job seekers with any questions or concerns they have about their job search. Dr. Michael Woody Woodward joined us and gave some excellent advice on jump starting your job search. Dr. Woody is a career expert and the author of The YOU Plan, a fantastic book that encourages job seekers to take a step back and look into what may be holding them back by providing a five-step career guide to help the unemployed take charge.Our Twitter Chat was lively and full of fantastic advice for job seekers. Weve distilled this chat into something that all job seekers can refer to for tips and tricks to jump start their job search. Ok, lets get started Todays topic Jumpstart Your Job Search. Our Guest career coach author of The YOU Plan DrWoody Well be asking Dr. Woody questions about jumpstarting your job search.DrWoody Hey everyone Im an orga nizational psychologist, coach and author of The YOU Plan. Im happy to answer any questions dont be shy If youve been job searching for a while without success, how do you begin to get out of your rut?DrWoody Step Back A common mistake is searching without a strategy. Search w/ purpose Start with a basic plan or revisit your plan if its not working. All too often job seekers want to put the cart before the horse.BreezyMamaSite And a eu-agrarpolitik in the resume? Any advice for moms who hope to get back to work?DrWoody Always try to reconcile gaps Think about any volunteer activities or personal development that you may have done during that time. Dont ignore gaps because theyll ask. Address your timeline by talking about what you did during that time When dealing with a gap be honest, but also try to demonstrate active engagement.wardogsRI Ive been looking on my own for awhile now by following the methods in the Richard Bolles book, What Color is Your Parachute. Any favorite tips i n it?DrWoody First of all I would recommend The YOU Plan . In all seriousness to go back to question 1 and consider the following four steps1) Determine your destination Articulate what you are specifically looking for. People dont do this enough How would you outline or describe the job you want? You need to have clear destination Name it and own it. Also, think about how others would describe the job you are seeking. Are there other names or it other places it exists?2) Identify Targets Research where the opportunities are that align with your destinationThink about the potential places that job exists the variety of industries, regional areas, professions, types of companies. Always start broad Dont be afraid of looking broadly for where your ideal job may exist. Take the blinders off3) Identify Relationships Who do you know who can help? The job market has and always will be about Who You Know4) Draw your roadmap Set daily, weekly, and monthly goals that include who you are going to meet, where to search, etc If you want to break into a new industry, how can you get started? How can you find a career youre passionate about? DrWoody My rule has always been to find the people who have the job you want and hang out with them . In other words, find ways to immerse yourself in the new industry Two things Research and Infiltrate1) Research Read trade publications, get on industry chats and forums, check press articles, etc.2) Infiltrate Join professional associations, use LinkedIn to get connected w/ insiders, go to industry events.tacytorres Any advice for someone who may not know how their skill set applies outside existing job? Being in the same job in the same company for many years can bring this insecurity. And then to be laid off, it can be hard to figure out where you fit back into the workplace. Perhaps volunteering, finding internships/apprenticeships, or attending industry events/conferences in new fields.DrWoody You have to learn to translate Chances are more skills apply than you realize.Research the position and learn the language of the industry and company.Many miss opportunities because they dont take the time or effort to translate into industry jargon. For example, military veterans who were officers have great project management skills but dont call it that. They need to translate their skills from the military to their new industry. If youre a member, we offer skills tests to figure out which new skills youll need for a new field/job.DrWoody Skills tests are a great way to start There is a government website, O*NET Online, which helps match your current skills with other careers that use those skills You may have to think about a new career or options different that what you did before.Our BIG thanks to Dr. Woody for joining our Twitter Chat. Be sure to check out Weekly Twitter Chats, every Wednesday at 130pm ET. Even if youre not on Twitter its a great way to try it out and help y our job search at the same time

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Veteran Federal Resume Samples

Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Veteran Federal Resume Samples What You Must Know About Veteran Federal Resume Samples Youre the only person who is aware of what you accomplished and the standard of work that you performed, special projects you participated in, and much more. Sure, you would like to highlight yur related work experience and would like to be specific about your skills, but you wish to be concise too. Get in contact with the Veterans administration in your region for help if you cant locate an ideal veteran resume writing service. You may also make a searchable, master resume that enables HR specialists to get in stich with you about an opportunity that may be a terrific fit for your abilities and experience. Veteran Federal Resume Samples at a Glance Unfortunately, you dont have all the desired qualifications. Hiring personnel expect to observe a crystal clear description of your career objectives and a few pertinent qualifications. So, your resume must be somewhat much perfect. Chronological resumes concentrate on experiences and the abilities and results connected with each. Up in Arms About Veteran Federal Resume Samples? Military resumes also generally have a good deal of white space. Instead, tailor your federal resume to fulfill the prerequisites of the particular opening. Find what youre searching for in our expansive selection of resume samples. Ask the business that you finally choose to use if they have samples of their papers you may review. Ruthless Veteran Federal Resume Samples Strategies Exploited There are a few of the various ways to frame a resume. The actual men and women highly praise our essay help site. The sentences are choppy, incomplete and dont tell a complete story. There is a simple way out go on the internet and ask us for help, as we are among the most effective military resume writing services on the web. Concentrate on these sections to understand whether you meet the requirements for the position. When youre asking for a federal position, you simply wish to emphasize the experience you have thats vital for that opening. If you are quite passionate about a specific position but lack the indicated experience, make certain that you emphasize the skills which you do possess on your resume and cover letter. To begin with, youve got to discover the position thatas suitable for you. The limitation to stay in employment Corps application is merely two decades. In the event that you are employing for different kinds of jobs, youve got to upgrade your resume to reflect that gap. Infographic resumes appear nice, but you also have to be concerned about applicant tracking system computer software. Utilizing a CNA license itll be possible to find employment in a number of configurations. Life, Death, and Veteran Federal Resume Samples Get in touch with us today to create your career goals a reality. To acquire the proper support, you can incorporate the Federal Resume pa ttern. The Federal Resume can provide you a chance for the next prospect. The absolute most prosperous resumes concentrate on specific position-related abilities, relevant regions of expertise, quantifiable accomplishments, and professional certifications. The Characteristics of Veteran Federal Resume Samples Your top qualifications should appear in the very first half of the page with keywords selected straight from the work description. Which format you select will depend, in part, on the sort of work youve performed and whether you are likely to continue in the exact saatkorn field. Furthermore, federal presentation resume format depends on specific job announcements. NOW you should forget all you know about other resume format or templates youve ever read about or seen. If youre asking for work, any answer you give will be kept private and wont be used against you in any manner. With the above thoughts in mind, consider these tips regarding what content you may want to include on your federal resume based on the position you are working to obtain. There are lots of sites with advice about ways to compose your resume. If you previously get the job done for us, your answer wont be used against you in any manner. But What About Veteran Federal Resume Samples? Even occupations in the identical job series in the same agency can have significantly different requirements. Your attorney will subsequently carry out an ALR listening to therefore you dont lose your own license. You should try to remember that if you want to receive a government job Federal jobs often need you to have experience in a particular kind of work for some period of time. If youre on the lookout for a government job or a civilian job for a veteran, you will need to get ready for a completely different direction of submitting job applications. All the needed documentation ought to be submitted when somebody is applying for the job. When you return home theres a fear since you are not familiar with jobs which are an excellent fit or pay. Using Veteran Federal Resume Samples You should also identify whether youve ever worked for the federal government and whether you meet the requirements for veterans preference. Creating an outline of a persons major hints and secondary elements can assist you in keeping coherent. Even should a veteran has 5 or 10 points because of disability, it is necessary that your resume get you Qualified, if you are going to make the most of veterans preference programs. Your main concern should be the level of your references and recommendations from previous employers, since they can make or break your chances. The Unexposed Secret of Veteran Federal Resume Samples The growth of online advertising and advertising together with the debut of earth Wide Web and mobile telephony have transformed the process of marketing. Incorporating the right information is crucial to obtain the upper hand over your competition. Awards and recognitions might or might not be in the resume. Examples of creative resumes are offered on various websites, including Canva.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Virtual Seminar with Dells Women Leaders in IT Sales and Marketing at RSA

Virtual Seminar with Dells Women Leaders in IT Sales and Marketing at RSA This is a great event for women working in cybersecurity, IT Sales and Marketing and as Account Executives, Sales Engineers, Engineers, Consultants, Technical sttze and Product Managers. If you would like to be considered for an invitation, please email with your information. RSA (the security division of Dell Technologies) and PowerToFly invite you to an exclusive virtual seminar for women in cybersecurity, tech sales and marketing. Our panel of RSAs women security leaders are looking forward to taking your questions.The invite-only virtual seminar will take place on Thursday October 18th from 12pm to 1pm ET.The panel of RSAs leaders will includeNicole Kenny, Director of Inside SalesAmy Blackshaw, Director of Product MarketingRashmi Vikram, Global Alliances ExecutiveMita Majethia, RSA Advisory Sales EngineerAbout RSA Dell RSA and Dell believes that diversity - of thought, culture, background, gender, age, sexual orientation, race and language - is crucial to innovation. Dell has been included on DiversityIncs list of Top 50 Companies for seven years in a row. Their competitive benefits include a work from home program, caregiver support, adoption assistance and their Women in Action Employee Resource Group.About our webinars All RSVPd attendees are welcome, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, or age. Related Articles Around the Web RSA Security Solutions to Address Cyber Threats Dell EMC Search RSA Jobs at Dell Careers One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant adva ncements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel Innovation/h2pNot onl y is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent geschftsleben strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the constructi on workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Educ ation and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the cu rrent demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Tips for Handling an Out-of-Town Job Interview

Tips for Handling an Out-of-Town Job InterviewTips for Handling an Out-of-Town Job InterviewJob bewerbungsgesprchscan be stressful on their own, but when you have to travel for out of town or out of state for an interview, the experience can become even more intense. You need to figure out the logistics of traveling in addition to planning how youll make the best impression on your interviewer. When traveling for an interview, its important to make enough time for yourinterview preparation and arranging your travel plans. You dont want to skimp on anything or force yourself into feeling rushed because you didnt give yourself enough time to prepare. Tips for Success Prepare thoroughly for the interview.Treat this interview like you would any other. Rehearseinterview questions and answers,research the company beforehandand make sure you havewhat you needfor the interview.Figure out your travel expenses before you make the commitment to go.elend surewho will pay for your travel? If you dont have any information about whos paying when you are asked to travel for an interview, it is acceptable to ask if the company will be making the travel arrangements for you. If not, ask if there is a possibility of being reimbursed for all or part of the costs youwould incur to get to the interview. Find out who is booking the trip.In addition to finding out who is paying for your interview expenses, check how the travel arrangements will be booked. In some cases, the company will book the trip for you. In others, its up to you to make your own reservations.Be economical.If youre doing the booking andyour potential employer is paying for your expenses, dont go hog-wild on their dime. Find an inexpensive flight, book a standard hotel room and keep your room charges to the bare minimum. It doesnt hurt to ask your interviewer if they have any suggestions for their preferred airline or hotel. Give yourself a time cushion.Whether youre traveling by car, bus, train, or airplane, d ont cut it close when it comes to time. Give yourself more time than you think you need to get there because being late is a surefire way toblow the interview. If youre flying, arrive at the airport two hours ahead of your boarding time if youre taking the bus or train, give yourself an hour.Consider arriving a day ahead of time.If punctuality is a problem for you and you have a long way to travel, consider arriving the night before your interview. That will also ensure that you are well rested and ready to do your best. Stay professional during your trip.Even if you have a few days to spare, its not a good idea to go out drinking the night before your interview- no matter how fun the new area might be. Instead, rest up as you would before any other interview.Driving? Dont rely on just your mobile GPS.If youve never been to the interview destination before, make sure you have a physical, hard-copy of the directions you need in case your phone or in-car GPS device fails.Account for d ay two.If you ace your interview and youre asked to return for a follow-up interview, you definitely do not want to decline. Make sure youre prepared to stay an extra day. If you can, clear your schedule for the next day and bring an extra set of interview clothes, as well as your overnight toiletries. Consider buying wrinkle-free business clothes.You want to look polished and professional for any interview, but unfortunately, wrinkles (along with stains and spills) are sometimes unavoidable when youre traveling. Look into purchasing business travel clothing that is wrinkle-resistant and versatile.Get to know the town.If you have some spare time, try to get a feel for the town culture. Explore the main street, visit a cafe, walk around town and consider the housing options and local school districts if you have a family. That way, ifyou do get the job, you wont have to make a return trip to see if the place is right for you. Follow up after the interview.Just like you should practic e before the interview (as you would for a local position), its important to take the right post-interview steps too. Make sure youfollow upafter the interview. For example, you should send anschmelzglas thank you messagespecifying your gratitude for the opportunity to travel and the employers consideration of an out-of-town candidate. If You Get a Job Offer If youre offered the position, youll need to consider more than the salary and benefits packagewhen evaluating the job offer. When will the job start and how much time will you be given to relocate? Will the company cover some or all of yourrelocation expenses? Will the company cover short-term housing if you need time to plan a permanent move? Use acost-of-living calculatorto figure out what it will cost you to live in the new location vs. the old one.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Phone Interview Tips and Mistakes to Avoid

Phone Interview Tips and Mistakes to AvoidPhone Interview Tips and Mistakes to AvoidEven though phone interviews can seem less daunting, its crucial to prepare for a call with the saatkorn diligence as you would an in-person interview.Many creative firms and in-house departments will conduct a phone interview prior to scheduling in-person meetings with job candidates. But some creative professionals dont take the opportunity as seriously as they should.As an interviewer, I was recently subjected to a chaotic departure to a phone interview when a job candidate gave me the wrong contact number by mistake. Instead of her cell phone number, she gave me the home line of her parents. The applicant wasnt there when I called, but I did speak to her confused mother, who promptly handed the phone to her equally confused father. He confirmed I had the wrong number as dogs loudly barked in the background.Lets just say it was less than ideal.If youve scored a phone interview your goal is to get t he opportunity to meet in person. So, dont leave anything to chance. Here are some steps you can take to make the best impression when it comes to answering the call.Plan your location with careWhenever possible use a landline so that you dont have to worry that your connection will let you down. If thats leid an option make sure your cell phone is fully charged, you have reliable reception and theres little to no background noise. You want your interviewer to be able to hear everything you say clearly. Selecting a secure, private space will allow you to focus and help you articulate your responses with clarity.Have your mind (and materials) in the right placeGive yourself ample time to get into the zone before the phone interview begins. If youre feeling really nervous, work on your breathing and focus your mind on times when youve felt confident.Keep your resume, the job description and any important notes about the company or interviewer close at hand. Having a glass of water wit hin arms reach is another good idea in case your throat gets dry. And it should go without saying, but shut down your email or anything else that isnt directly related to your interview. Your interviewer will be able to tell if youre not giving your full attention to the conversation, especially if they overhear a clicking keyboard.JOB HUNTING? WE CAN HELPPretend youre in the same room as the interviewerApproach the phone interview as if you were meeting the interviewer in person. Dressing for the occasion is a good way to prep psychologically, as youre likely to feel far more professional in work attire than in your favorite workout gear.Heres another trick smile as you talk. It will help you come across as more upbeat and engaged.Display impeccable phone etiquetteAnswer the call by stating your name, and have a brief, polite phrase prepared to open the conversation. Thanking the interviewer for the opportunity to connect is a great way to start.And while its easy to get caught up in worrying about delivering the best answers possible, its just as important to be a great listener. Whatever you do, dont interrupt the interviewer when he or she is talking.Then, its over to you. Dont mumble your answers or speak too quickly. Take your time with your responses you dont need to hit all your key achievements in response to the first question. Dont be afraid to pause after youve answered a question. It can be hard to read someone on the phone so dont feel compelled to fill what may seem like an awkward, prolonged pause. Some silence is OK. Remember that your interviewer may be taking notes or formulating a follow-up question.Close the phone interview with classPhone interviews tend to happen at the early stages of a recruiting process, so if you are really excited about the opportunity, your objective is obviously to make it to the next stage. With that goal in mind, you can potentially save some of your questions for the second round, but dont hesitate to ask about what the next steps would be.Finally, its smart to send your interviewer a thank-you note or email, after the call. Use it as an opportunity to offer your appreciation for the opportunity and reiterate your great interest in the job. As an interviewer, I can tell you that it absolutely makes a strong and lasting positive impression.Getting ready for a video interview? Watch our video for advice on making the best possible impressionOctavia Goredema is the founder and editor of Twenty Ten Talent, a career resource for talented young black women. Find her on Twitter at OctaviaGoredema.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ving Tsun - the martial art thats improving our teams productivity

Ving Tsun - the martial art thats improving our teams productivityVing Tsun - the martial art thats improving our teams productivityTan Sao, Chan Sao, Pak Cao, Fak Sao, Bong Sao, repeat. unterstellung words might sound strange to you if you havent heard of Ving Tsun yet. They are the names of the blocks and manouvres this martial art is based on. And its been helping our team become more balanced and focused. Yes, Ving Tsun classes are one of many perks we get at . ??Ving Tsun does bedrngnis only serve as a self-defense technique. The idea behind it is much deeper and it can help in different areas of life. It teaches one to live a healthier and more balanced life. To live in harmony with nature. Most importantly, it improves flexibility and concentration. It has given me valuable lessons that are aligned with s values and strategy. And Ill tell you more about it.What exactly is Ving Tsun?Ving Tsun was developed in China in the 17th century by a group of Shaolin monks who faced great preskoranvers and ultimate destruction to their temples because of a new ruler. The best-known story of Ving Tsun is the one of the Buddhist Nun, Ng Mui, who was one of the survivors of the destruction. She created a form of self-defense which could transcend size, weight, and gender.Her inspiration for Ving Tsun came from observing animals, primarily the crane. This helped her develop delicate but natural movements which require little force to block and strike effectively and efficiently at the same time.Read more on the history of Ving Tsun here. 5 principles of Ving Tsun that we apply into our workDuring our classes, we learn self-defence techniques. Also, how to get the job done in the simplest way, with the least amount of energy and a maximum result.The following 5 principles Ving Tsun is based on are not only effective in a fight. They also represent our work efforts at .1. The power of a punchAlthough at first glance its a physical training, we train our minds, too. No, no t the kind that enables one to bend metal spoons with a glimpse of an eye Its the kind that develops our focus and motivates us to be present in the moment. The power of a punch doesnt mean you have to be strong. (Our designer is around 100lb, but she is one of the best) Its about the right technique and focus.We bring that into our work too. Ving Tsun has been helping us remain focused on each task. I stop thinking of what happened yesterday, what Im going to have for dinner tonight or how much work I need to get done within the next month. I stay in the moment and remove any distractions. I concentrate on finishing tasks with the right technique. So they have powerful outcomes.2. Readiness for fightDuring our Ving Tsun classes, we run through all types of situations one can be attacked. Then we train to be able to respond to any punches the opponent might throw at us. We also learn to control ourselves, to stay calm and act quickly but precisely.We translate this into real-life si tuations at . We stay alerted. Whatever happens in our industry, we make sure we are ready to fight back appropriately. No waiting around for the situation to solve itself.Related articlesChief Joy Officer A secret weapon of a successful businessHow to identify and embed your company culture to grow your businessBreakfast the most important meal of the week3. Keeping the balanceIn a Ving Tsun class, we dont only fight and throw punches in the air. We also practice Chinese Yoga, exercises that improve breathing and flexibility. Our trainer, Niki, mentions the importance of balance all the time. Whether its the balance in work and life, training or relationships.One of s values is keeping a work-life balance, too. We travel and go out together, we enable each team member to develop their top skills. Everyone can work remotely if needed. (I wrote this article from my favorite cafe ?? ) And much more.Read about all activities we do here.4. TimingWhen youre in a fight, the fact that you re strong or experienced doesnt always bring the desired results. Often, it is the timing that sets you up for victory. our brain subconsciously prepares to react in a certain moment through Ving Tsun classes.At work, we make different efforts to improve our product and tafelgeschirr but what matters the most is the right timing. Each new marketing campaign is well thought out and released at the perfect moment. All marketers know that the phrase I was at the right place, in the right time wasnt created for no reason.5. The correction of mistakesIn a quick fight, one mistake can be a breaking point. Hit the opponent in the wrong way and you find yourself on the floor, with a broken nose. But not with Ving Tsun While practicing, we learn that making mistakes is not a problem as long as youre quick enough. You can invert mistakes into a successful ending.Its the same with work. I do mistakes, almost on a daily basis. But it is important to stay calm, correct the mistake and move on. I t takes a little training to keep this in mind in everyday life, but its possible.What about you?Each member of our team enjoys Ving Tsun so much. What lessons have you learned through activities outside the office? How did you implement them in your job? Let me know in the comments below.