Friday, May 8, 2020

Hello! We are the Career Collective. - Sterling Career Concepts

Hello! We are the Career Collective. Hello! We are the Career Collective. Just a quick post to formally introduce you to the Career Collective consortium. Earlier this fall, Ijoinedmorethan 20 utterly dynamic, engaging, and enlightening professionals ina collaborative project to provide guidance for job seekers and careerists. Ourgoal is to provide just-in-time advice for anyone hoping to stand out in a difficult market. In conjunction with Quintessential Careers̢۪ Job Action Day, November̢۪seffortfocused on providing workers and job seekers information, ideas, and concrete steps to secure their futures in a changed economy. The Collective has its own website at,but monthly topical posts are also cross-linked onmembers blogs. You can also follow along with ourhash tag #CareerCollective on Twitter which Susan Ireland of the Job Lounge has tappedas one of hertop 14 to follow. (And no, for thoseTwitter hold-outs out there, you do not need anaccount tofollow along, so check outour tweetstoday!) I hope my colleaguescollective wisdom benefits you,your search, and your career. To your careersucces! Enjoy!

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